
NEWS お知らせ

謹賀新年 みなさまのご健康と益々のご活躍を心よりお祈り申し上げます。
Happy New Year We wish you all the best in your health and success.
アートアイランズTOKYO 2020 ウェブ会場/オンライン展示は、アーカイブにファイルしました。
WEB VENUE/On-line Exhibition, Art Islands TOKYO 2020 is filed at the Archive section.
こちらからご覧になれます。/Click here

Art Islands TOKYO 2020 The 10th International Contemporary Art Exhibition
アートアイランドTOKYO 2020第10回国際現代美術展につきまして

 COVID-19のパンデミックは世界中に広まっています。この状況下で私たちができることを探り未来につなげるために私たちは、アートアイランドTOKYO 2020の開催を決定しました。
 しかし現在の環境はどこに住んでも同じ問題に直面しています。そのことは、皆がアートアイランズ TOKYOに参加して、しばらく経つと私たちは共通の空間と時間の中から感じる『アートアイランズ時間』と似ているかもしれません。それならば、今のそれぞれの環境下で、作品を作り続け発表してしても、見えてくる何かがあるのではないかと考え発表の場を設定しようと考えました。

We hope life has not been treating you so badly. Though the pandemic of COVID-19 has still been spreading in the world, we eventually decided to hold the Art Islands TOKYO 2020, in part because this year will be the 10th anniversary of the Art Islands TOKYO that started in the islands ten years ago, also because we would like to find out what we can do in the present situation in order to pass the baton to the future generation.
Under the current circumstance, artists from overseas are highly UNLIKELY to be able to travel to Japan. Even if the request for domestic travel restrictions in Japan were lifted in the meantime, it will still be practically difficult to go to the islands and stay there. We had been considering even cancellation since March, but we realized that no matter where we live in the world, we will face more or less the same situation under the current environment. If we consider the current situation as a sort of natural environment, then we can probably say that we can share the cyberspace just like we all used to share public space and nature in the islands. We thus came to the conclusion that whatever the situation may be, we should continue to create and present artworks. Also, we would like to pursue to even develop what we have been doing so far. Therefore, just uploading pictures or video clips on the web site cannot be any substitution to what we have made through, even in the current situation.
Instead, this year again, we expect that your works that express the present moment as well as the environment will be gathering even without visiting the islands, as we have so far expressed them in artworks by visiting the islands to know the local culture and life. We believe our trial would be all the more important and meaningful.

2020年夏 東京の島々を結ぶアート航路開発委員会 髙田 芳樹
SUMMER 2020, YOSHIKI TAKATA Planning and Development Committee for Contemporary Artways Linking Tokyo Islands


View through the Porthole

今に在る一つ 2020年
思惑(しわく)の迷宮 摩訶不可思議
意思なき映像は見え 声は聞こえる
今に在る君 大きな欠伸をして
舷窓から後来を望み 身を乗り出す

Being now in 2020,
Magical is the labyrinth speculationis;
Vision sans will is visible and the voice audible.
You, being now, yawing voraciously,
Hoping for the future, leaning out of the Porthole.
Mind dissociated
disolved during the cruise
will be within tomorrow.